Alternative Therapies – Healing Through Embracing Mother Nature

Alternative Therapies – Healing Through Embracing Mother Nature
Eighteen months ago I was very stressed, overweight, and eating an acid diet. With no understanding of how dangerous this combination could be for my body, the universe showed me in a very profound way. I experienced two strokes on the left side of my brain. I was thirty-nine years old. I cannot tell you how frightening that experience was, not only for me but also for my husband Jurgen. What would the future hold for us?
The doctors were unable to determine the cause of the strokes. What a blessing that turned out to be. I returned home with cognitive issues and a script for medication. I clearly needed to change something; I just wasn’t sure what it was. I decided to put my life under the microscope.
We began designing a life based around natural healthy living. Through this change, I made a full recovery. I was able to stop taking the damaging medication. The medication causes liver damage, memory loss and muscle wasting. I was told I would be on this medication for life. Not any more!
Green smoothies and raw food have played an important role in my recovery. My blood work is brilliant and I am fit and incredibly healthy for the first time in my life.
Jurgen also experienced amazing changes. His knees were damaged from a motorbike accident years ago. He was due to have knee surgery this year and had been experiencing pain for a long time. Our diet and lifestyle changes now have him running, mountain biking and doing many other extreme sports. We discovered that you can actually rebuild your body – how mind blowing is that!
We started our company Cheeky Chimp Smoothies with the mission of showing others how easy it is to enjoy real health. We learned that most illnesses are avoidable if you have a healthy diet, mindset and exercise. We did not want other families to go through an experience like ours. This is the passion behind Cheeky Chimp.
We have followed Tyler’s work and he has been both a leader and an inspiration. He has opened our eyes to a new way of living that we absolutely love. Transforming our minds and bodies has been life changing. Thank you Tyler, you have truly made a huge difference in our lives. We are very grateful.
Jurgen and Nikki Mennel
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