If there is only one thing to take away from this video, this is it: YOU and only YOU can control your health and your life. In this video, I’m going to tell you the #1 way people give their power away without even realising it. I’ve got the most amazing, simple piece of […]
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[thrive_leads id=’14617′] If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that being authentic and keeping it real is one of my highest values. But the terms ‘integrity’, ‘vulnerability’ and ‘authenticity’ are thrown around a lot – often by people and companies who don’t actually walk the talk. In this video I explain […]
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Good health does not need to be complicated. So why is it? When we are bombarded with too much information, our brains can literally shut down from information overload. Do you want to know what happens next? People just keep doing what they’ve always done and their health gets put in the ‘too-hard’ basket. I’ve […]
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I believe there’s two kinds of people in the world; those who make excuses and those who make time. How to Make a Real Difference in Your Day Most of us have had days where we’ve woken in the morning with no time to exercise or meditate, rushing out the door to get to work […]
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I want to take a ‘big picture’ look at the increase in people with gluten intolerance and the gluten free trend that this has created. Why? Because I’m not 100% convinced that gluten is the ‘guilty party’ to be blamed for the digestive troubles that so many people are having these days. Gluten has been […]
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I get a lot of questions from people about if they should stick to just fruit juice, or just vegetable juice, or whether they can be mixed. If you ask me if it’s ok to mix fruit and vegetable juice, my answer is absolutely yes! Why The Difference In Fibers Is Important? I understand why […]
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I get asked a lot if it is safe to juice fast whilst pregnant. Juice fasting has so many benefits, but there are some situations where caution and consideration are necessary, pregnancy and breastfeeding being two examples. I do not recommend doing a complete fast during pregnancy, or whilst breastfeeding because it is a really sensitive period of […]
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If you are considering the idea of starting a juice fast, I bet this is one of the questions that you have – “How much juice should I drink, and how often?” Well, this is not that easy to answer because everyone’s body adapts differently. But I’m gonna share some information here to give you an idea on how to […]
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