Many mainstream medical doctors are now realising how many diseases are linked to a blocked colon. This is exactly what I have been telling everyone for years! By simply doing a 4-day colon cleanse, you can change your health dramatically. If you have a health condition, or even if you’re feeling tired or just not […]
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The health symbol of the Caduceus Wand (two snakes intertwined around a staff) is best known today as the symbol used by modern medicine. It’s the symbol you often see on the side of an ambulance for example. However, it was originally a sign that healers used. The Caduceus Wand And How To Get Rid […]
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Sun light happens to be one of the greatest healing remedies that you can find in nature. The sun provides the energy that all living things need in order to exist on this earth. When you take it in moderation, there are lots of health benefits of sunshine. If you hide away from the sun, […]
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It surprises me that many people are sceptical about the health benefits of fasting. Of course experiencing a fast yourself is the best way to bust through scepticism! But there is actually a LOT of recorded data supporting the benefits of fasting, from ancient times right up until scientific studies been published today. What are […]
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I know a lot of people ask “do essential oils work?”. As you guys know I’m a big fan of natural medicines, and that includes essential oils. One of the many reasons why I like essential oils so much is their holistic healing effect. They work on us at all levels. Not just physically but […]
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Coming from a place of holistic nutrition I do believe there are a number of factors in addressing the question ‘how do people get cancer?’ One area to address is that it’s not just what we put IN our body, but ON our body too. Can Your Make Up Cause Cancer? A lot of people […]
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Finding good quality sources of B12 has been an issue for a very long time, especially for vegans. Putting aside the whole “meat eating” debate, there are a lot of whole foods that contain B12. Sprouts are a great source, as are strawberries (supposedly) and nutritional yeast. Nutritional yeast is an especially good source of […]
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