Essential Oils | For Sleeping Better

Essential Oils | For Sleeping Better
The 7 Principles of Health is the whole foundation of the Tolman Methodology, but I do like to add an 8th principle that isn’t spoken about as much.
Getting a good, quality night’s sleep, aiming for 8 hours a night, is absolutely crucial for our health when it comes to our modern, stressful lifestyle. It’s the time to recharge our batteries in preparation for the next day, no matter what the day has in store for us.
We all know what it can feel like if we don’t get a good sleep. We can be irritable, less patient, have difficulty concentrating and be more susceptible to stress. The impact on our mood when we haven’t had enough sleep is generally a more obvious side effect.
But what about the impact on our physical and mental health – that can be affected over time?
The Physical and Mental Toll of Not Getting Enough Sleep
Over time, of continually not getting enough sleep, our bodies and state of mind will suffer.
Anxiety and depression can start to set in, along with other mood disorders, such as panic disorder.
Meanwhile, our physical health is also at risk when we don’t get enough sleep, such as impairing our immune function. It’s also been known that lack of sleep can activate signaling pathways leading to inflammation.
Whilst these are only a few examples, there are certainly more side effects of not getting enough sleep. Of course there are many sleeping ‘aides’ out there that can assist…which one you choose to use depends on what works best for you, and whether you are game to use a natural aide.
5 Essential Oils to Help with Those Z’s
Any of the below essential oils can be used on their own, or blended with other oils… adding more sleep (and health) benefits, as well as some beautiful sleepy-time smells.
Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender is probably the most well-known and common scent to help with sleeping. I mean, it’s basically a staple ingredient for anything to do with preparing babies for bedtime due to it calming aroma. But it also great for lowering heart rate, temperature and blood pressure – what our bodies are supposed to do naturally in preparation for sleep.
How to use: Diffuse or make a roll-on to add to your wrists and temples.
Copaiba Essential Oil
This oil, among many other benefits, affects the central nervous system to help relieve stress, which is usually the number one reason for sleep deprivation. It has a sweet, woody aroma helping to ease tensions and help you to wind down before bedtime. It also effects the CB2 receptor in your brain, reducing inflammation and boosting immune system similar to CBD.
How to use: Three (3) drops under the tongue right before bed or diffuse it.
Bergamot Essential Oil
In the same way as lavender, Bergamot helps to reduce blood pressure and heart rate as your body prepares for sleep. Additionally, Bergamot has been shown to reduce stressful thoughts, which is a common reason for a restless night.
How to use: Put a few drops in a steaming pot of water and breathe in deeply.
Sandalwood Essential Oil
With its mood-balancing properties, Sandalwood is very effective at helping to get a good, deep sleep. It’s unique ability to even you out emotionally makes this oil super special and should always be close at hand for those challenging days.
How to use: Diffuse next to your bed, or add a few drops to the back of your neck.
Vetiver Essential Oil
The aroma of Vetiver oil may not be for everyone, but the positive effects of helping to drift off to sleep far outweigh the deep, earthy smell. If dwelling on the days events is what keeps you awake, Vetiver will help to slow your mind down into a relaxed state to allow you to drift away.
How to use: Diffuse next to your bed, or make yourself a rollerball and add to the bottoms of your feet.
These are only five of many essential oils that have wonderful benefits when it comes to helping you drift off to dreamland. Some other essential oils include, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Rose, Clary Sage, Chamomile, and many more.
Whether you are currently experiencing sleep issues, or you haven’t given it a second thought, prioritising your sleep practices is just as important as prioritising exercise and diet. Starting a good regime now (even if not needed), will set your body with a good, quality sleeping regime that your overall health will thank you for.
Thanks for reading!