How to Control Diabetes Through Fasting

How to Control Diabetes Through Fasting
A lot of people ask me, “Tyler, how can I control diabetes naturally?” So I thought I’d share what I say to them here.
During all these years that I have dedicated to helping people use food as medicine, one of the questions that I hear quite commonly comes from people with diabetes and their concerns about fasting. I have to admit that this is a tough one because there are people who have too much sugar (hyperglycemia), and there are also those who don’t have enough sugar (hypoglycemia).
When it comes to fasting, I’ve actually facilitated Type I and many Type II diabetics through juice and water fasting. I somehow feel that this is one of those issues when people might want to have help from someone who is experienced in these conditions.
Either way, the point is that if you’re a Type I or Type II diabetic, and you want to do a fast, it’s just a matter of monitoring where your blood sugars are at, and making sure to keep them within a comfortable level.
Watch For Blood Sugar Spikes
Typically, when Type I or Type II diabetics go on a fast, they’re drinking a lot of fresh-pressed juices, especially ones made from fruits, which might cause them to have a spike in their blood sugar immediately. What you’ll find, is after two or three days it doesn’t spike as much because there’s not as much fat in the circulatory system that’s causing that blood sugar to stay there. So, it comes down to drinking small amounts of juice throughout the entire day.
Another crucial thing is to monitor and maintain balanced blood sugar levels! In that case, if it goes too high, you can go ahead and do your insulin. If it drops too low, you can just have some juice.
I know that after only three to five days of fasting I’ve helped dozens of Type II diabetics and probably three or four Type I diabetics (all at different ages) to radically reduce the amount of insulin they were taking. I believe it’s possible to find the ‘sweet spot’ of how to maintain the fast without medication and instead, rely on your observations about when to drink juice, how much to drink and what kinds of juices to have.
Explore + Detox = Heal Thyself
Fasting for any person is always a kind of experient of trial and error. Listening to the body, seeing what works. Let it be a sort of exploration for you. Be curious, but safe, and just monitor everything to find that ‘sweet spot’. Eventually, you will get to the point where your body will start really regenerating itself.
During fasting, our bodies produce embryonic-style stem cells. So, we’re not only detoxing the body, but we’re also giving it massive amounts of vitamins, minerals, micronutrients and antioxidants. I believe it’s actually one of the most healing states that a diabetic could go into on purpose. It just has to be navigated a little bit more carefully.
If you need my help, come to my virtual Know Thyself Fast program, where you can fast while being supported by myself and my Tolman Health Coaches. Otherwise, you can find another integrated doctor to help you through the process. Be smart about it and let me know how your journey goes.
Thanks for reading!