Just below the physical frequencies of light and air are denser liquids and solids—the stuff we drink and eat.
At least 50 percent of our bodies are made up of water, so hydrating with plenty of pure, clean H2O is a no-brainer for our bodies and brains to operate at peak efficiency. Other liquids—like cold-pressed juices recommended in juice fasting—bring a super concentration of minerals and vitamins into our bodies.
At the same time, our digestive systems move into detox mode. Juice fasting is a quick way to temporarily jump up several vibration levels. When we detoxify at that level, we can transition better back down to an improved, whole foods diet.
Moving further down the density scale, plant matter comes after pure minerals and vitamins. Plants have the highest vibration energy of the whole foods we can consume.
Why? Plants produce their own food through photosynthesis—that is, directly from higher vibrations in water, air, and sunlight.
Within vegetables and fruits we can find all the visible colours of the light spectrum.
Starting at the lowest colour vibration, we have red, which science calls lycopene. The American Heart Association says that red tomatoes are the best food for the heart and circulatory system.
Moving up in light frequency, we find orange, or carotene—an amazing anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agent. There are so many other nutritional properties as we ascend the colour spectrum to yellow, green, blue, and violet foods. Blueberries, for example, are chock full of anthocyanins—antioxidants and phytonutrients for healing and building the body and brain.
So, if we want to increase our own vibration energy, we need to eat whole, raw foods—literally Ra, or foods containing the colours of light. I believe we actually download messages of wisdom and knowledge into our consciousness through these natural foods.
But when we eat animals, we’re taking another step away from light on the vibration ladder.
Still, even people who do eat meat usually consume only animals that are themselves plant eaters. We are naturally disgusted at the thought of eating animals that eat other animals—because they are much denser material.