Skin Cancer | Natural Ways to Heal

Skin Cancer | Natural Ways to Heal
I want to talk about the topic of skin cancer and the best ways to heal it. Did you know that skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that exists?
And one of the biggest misconceptions about skin cancer is that the sun causes it. Actually this couldn’t be further from the truth. What causes cancer is a build up in toxicity that eventually develops into a degenerative condition. The word ‘cancer’ comes from the Latin ‘canker’ and means rot and decay. Cancer is literally rotting and decaying flesh inside the body.
The Sun Doesn’t Cause Cancer, it Heals Cancer
The sun is one of the greatest detoxifiers and can actually help pull wastes from the body. So, if you have cancer developing in your body, and you get a lot of sun exposure, then chances are the cancer is going to show up on your skin. If your skin is reacting to being out in the sun, then this is a sure fire sign that you need to change your diet and lifestyle.
What you need to do is alkalize the body by eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables and whole foods. Ideally, your daily intake should be at least 70% to 80% fresh, raw whole foods.
I’ve had many people come to my programs with skin cancer. Once I help them to modify their diet, they are able to be out in the sun every day and using things like aloe vera and lemon juice on their skin, and their cancer goes away!
There are a few different protocols to look at once you’ve cleaned up your diet. I want to tell you a story about a famous international speaker that had skin cancer on his nose. It was so bad that the doctors literally wanted to cut his nose off! Of course the guy was freaking out! So he came to my father, Don Tolman. My father put him on a fresh whole food diet to start alkalising his body and also gave him some aloe vera plant. He said, “Here cut this aloe vera, tape it onto your face, and walk around with it on there all day, then replace it with fresh pieces”. This guy did that, and within 7 days the skin cancer was entirely gone. Imagine if he had cut his nose off!
External Cleansing of the Skin
Did you know since the advent of sunscreen there have actually been MORE cases of skin cancer? I think this is for a number of reasons but, firstly, most chemical sunscreens are petroleum based. And petroleum is known to cause cancer!
The best thing to do for your skin before going out in the sun is to make sure it’s clean and alkaline. Dr Otto Warburg showed that cancer is caused by a low oxygen and acidic environment and the skin is naturally slightly acid. I have a skin cleaning process called guasha that will alkalise the skin. It’s a simple body scrub you make using bicarb soda and vodka that the ancient Egyptian and Greek cultures used.
Internal Cleansing Using Fasting
I had someone come to me with skin cancer and, after they did a juice fast, they noticed the area where the cancer was had started weeping. They were concerned and wanted to know what was going on. Well, I believe that it was more than likely just part of the detox process. The area where the cancer was on the skin was weeping because the body was trying to release more of what’s going on internally. I’d take that as a good sign!
If you have any concerns about skin cancer, my recommendation would be to get really educated on how to fast. In the Free Resources section of my website, you will find a heap of great information about different types of cleansing you can try as well as instructional videos on protocols you can use to support all your channels of elimination. Using some of those protocols while you are fasting would really help so that there is not so much pressure for everything to come out through the skin.
So don’t be afraid of the sun, eat a load of fresh whole foods, drink a lot of good, clean water and stay healthy!
Thanks for reading!