Firstly, let’s talk a little bit about your internal environment.
Understand that your entire body is a reflex organism… take reflexology for instance (the name says it all right?!!). I’m sure you’ve seen those charts of the bottoms of the feet that relate to all the different organs of your body.
So the reflexologist could be pushing on a specific area of your foot that is painful, and that spot relates directly to your liver or your heart. Even your face and eyes are representative of the health of your internal environment. Your entire body is one big reflection or “reflex” of what is going on internally!
We also have meridian lines running through the body that relate to different organs.
For example there are three meridian lines on our arms. An outer one, an inner one and a middle one. Now just say that all of a sudden I get this little wart that shows up, and then another one further down my arm, but both are in the same line. Well, if this happens I might be able to deduce there is something happening with the organ associated with that meridian line.
So if it’s on the lung meridian, then I would know that maybe there’s an accumulation in my lungs, and it’s showing the toxicity in the form of different spots appearing on my skin. It doesn’t matter where the spot appears – it might be on my leg, my chest, my back or my foot. Wherever it is you can use meridian charts to look at where these moles or warts are popping up and which organ meridian they are associated with.
Because the problem is usually coming from an imbalance of an internal organ, you can start to understand why the external measures are often only ‘band aid’ solutions.
You can cut or burn these things off, but then you’re not dealing with what’s actually going on in the internal environment which is the most important thing.
The reason the mole or wart has popped up is that it’s a sign from your body saying, “Hey! Wake up! Your liver is toxic and we’re gonna start throwing out these signs to show you what’s going on… we’ll appear on your face, on your arms, on your back, your stomach or wherever until you figure it out!”.