Hey guys, I want to talk about the radical and amazing benefits that come from one day of water fasting. If we look back thousands of years, there’s this guy by the name of Hypocrites who said when people got sick, simply fast ONE day. Simply fasting that 1 day, which is either just drinking water or […]
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I know sometimes it seems really confusing to know exactly what you need to do to be healthy. That’s why I aim to offer simple practical advice that’s based on what’s worked for people for thousands of years. I have done a lot of study into what made ancient cultures THRIVE and have taken the […]
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Are you looking for fasting results that will transform you? Well, you’ve come to the right place! When done properly (and I show you how below), a water fast really has the power to change you. Including having more energy, feeling younger, losing weight, and gaining mental clarity. There is so much science coming out […]
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Water fasting has been one of the greatest healing techniques in history and continues to be so today. There have been many discussions that great ancient personalities about what the Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Pythagoras did with water fasting. And nowadays there is so much information about water fasting available on the […]
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Lots of people ask me how to prepare for an extended water fast. This is a great subject to discuss as preparation is so important for any fast but especially an extended 10-day water fast. To not prepare would be like trying to run a marathon with no training. It’s going to make an already […]
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