Water Fasting | The Best Detox Cleanse On The Planet
Water Fasting | The Best Detox Cleanse On The Planet
Water fasting has been one of the greatest healing techniques in history and continues to be so today.
There have been many discussions that great ancient personalities about what the Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Pythagoras did with water fasting. And nowadays there is so much information about water fasting available on the Internet, including a documentary called ‘Eat, Fast and Live Longer’ which I highly recommend you watch.
Scientific research has shown how the brain literally grows, and you become more intelligent when you fast. In fact, a study done by the University of California Berkeley stated that 3 day water fasts reset your entire immune system by activating the stem cells which enables you to perform at the optimum level.
What Really Makes Us Sick?
So let’s talk a little about the theories of sickness.
Every day we do a variety of things: breathe air that is not so pure, drink liquids that are not so good, put less than ideal foods into out bodies etc, which eventually clogs the filters in our body filters – organs such as the lungs, nose, liver, and kidneys.
Over time this causes our immune system to get overloaded and every once in a while – BAM! Our bodies will heat up and the immune system will kick in. The fever allows make the body to sweat out toxins and triggers the urge to not eat – prompting a natural fast. In fact, 3 to 4 days of water fasting in this situation is perfect as it will help clean out your system.
Essentially, whenever you get sick your body is going through this massive purge. It’s called ‘the flu’ – like if you lit a fire inside a fireplace, you would have to open up the flue to let all the heat out. The same principle is happening to your body! And when our bodies heat up this way, our immune system travels 2 times faster per degree that it comes up in temperature and a lot of things are happening to clean out our filters to get things functioning properly again.
So should you just allow your body to just go through this natural process of getting really sick and going through pain in order to thoroughly cleanse the system? Well, if you are cleaning the filters in your body on a regular basis then there is no need to get sick!
The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
The ‘Eat, Fast and Live Longer’ documentary talks about something called ‘intermittent fasting’. There are many forms of intermittent fasting and one they explore is a process of not eating anything for a 24 hour period once a week. This allows the body to catch up and for the liver and kidneys to detoxify completely and get rid of all the toxins. The benefits of a One Day Water Fast are pretty mind-blowing!
It is, however, REALLY important to properly hydrate yourself within that 24-hour span with plenty of water. This will help to flush out the toxins. You could also do a salt flush, an enema, breathing exercises and natural skin cleansing to help the detoxification process along.
Diabetic and hypoglycaemic people are often advised not to fast but with the right support it can potentially help their bodies release stem cells which will assist healing.
To do a 24 hour intermittent fast you could stop eating at noon, miss dinner, sleep, miss breakfast and then start eating again at noon the next day. This is one of the simpler ways to do it, and if you stay really hydrated you’ll find it’s actually pretty easy!
However, if you can’t do 24 hours, skipping a meal or delaying when you start eating for the day also helps. Another way is to drink lots of juices instead of eating and do a two-day juice fast.
The Ultimate Cleanse for True Health
For an ultimate cleanse, doing 4 extended 10 day water fasts per year is what I recommend to rebuild, reset hormones and have clear consciousness, energy, and clarity. Some ancient cultures used to do one of these fasts at the beginning of each season.
You can find more information about juice and water fasting in the Free Resources section of my website. And if you would like to do an extended fast with support and supervision, you should definitely check out the Tolman Health Healing Hub here in Bali!
Thanks for reading!