REST | RESET | REGENERATE in our healing space designed for you to fast and recharge whenever you need to…
The Tolman Health HEALING HUB provides a safe space for you when you want to Fast and Heal. There’s no waiting for Retreat Dates, just come whenever it suits you. The HUB experience provides a more personalised experience as opposed to one size fits all at a retreat. Have peace of mind knowing everything’s at your finger tips, but take things at your own pace!
At the Tolman Health HEALING HUB, we follow the Tolman Method of Healing that has been developed over the past decades by founder Tyler Tolman. Tyler has been running clinical fasting retreats for over 10 years, successfully assisting people to heal themselves from chronic & degenerative diseases using this proven method of healing.
Our HEALING HUB is run and facilitated by a Qualified Tolman Health Coach, who has studied under Tyler, and learnt these profound healing methods. Our HEALING HUB team has advanced knowledge of fasting and extensive experience in fasting & healing journey.
We have design each week to include your fast as well as the breaking of your fast in the best possible way. It is said that “any fool can fast, but it takes a wise man to break a fast properly!”
Although your package will be tailored to you and your specific situation, we have a brief structured outline of what we offer as a guide to see how long you should book your stay for.
Want to maximise your experience? Add an upgrade package with 1-on-1 coaching with a Tolman Health Coach or Tyler Tolman.
If you know this is for you, book a call with our team to discuss available dates and how long is best for you to stay.
Please select your timezone carefully in the calendar dropdown to confirm schedule.