First and foremost, with erectile dysfunction, there are some areas that we can definitely explore.
If you’re having a tough time getting it up, guys, it’s one of the first signs that there are some major health issues that are starting to happen.
#1 Hormones
There’s a good chance your hormones are out of balance, so we need to bring the hormones back into balance.
Now, what’s affecting hormonal imbalance? Well maybe you’ve taken steroids in the past for bodybuilding, and it’s throwing your hormones out of whack.
Maybe you’ve been on medications of some kind, or maybe you’ve been exposed to what we call ‘endocrine disruptors’. This actually disrupts the hormones of the body so that they’re not communicating properly, and erectile dysfunction is one of the side effects.
#2 Plastics
You need to avoid using plastics in your foods and drinking out of plastics that have BPAs. Choose BPA-free plastic because that’s one of the big culprits.
I recommend eating more organic, fresh fruits and vegetables. Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, all these types of things play a role in disrupting the endocrine system.
When you eat fresh fruit – oranges, bananas, (bananas are one of the greatest things for erectile dysfunction), papayas, mangoes, and apples – these all have the capacity for cleaning the lymphatic system, cleaning out all the waste, and allowing the endocrine system to function the way that it should.
#3 Movement and Diet
It really comes down to two things mainly – exercise (or movement) and diet.
I would say diet is actually more important. When you build your blood, when you clean your body out with what you’re eating, when you get that circulation happening, erections are not a problem.
And then exercising and strength training really makes a difference. I notice it all the time; as soon as I go do deadlifts, I start to do some weights, I do some jiu-jitsu, or high-intensity training, and my libido just goes through the roof.
At any age, when you get into a system of strength training and movement, along with a type of diet that’s going to clean out the bad stuff and get everything flowing, you’re going to be moving in a really positive direction.
Now, I have a program called H•E•A•L (Health, Education and Lifestyle), that is going to teach you very meticulously everything that you can do to get things working and heal yourself, because as soon as you have problems getting it up, you think, “Oh my gosh, I’ve got a problem”.
Then you focus on the problem and it gets worse.
You need to forget about the problem and just be in action with whatever you can do. This H•E•A•L program is going to teach you the whole gamut of things you need to do to get that back so that you can continue to be a man.