Healthy Hair | Reversing Greyness Through Your Diet

Healthy Hair | Reversing Greyness Through Your Diet
I often get asked whether you can reverse grey hair through eating a healthy diet. I believe yes you can! And that’s the first step If you believe it, it can be done.
Grey Hair to Natural Dark Hair
I highly recommend looking to Ann Wigmore as a starting example. When Ann was in her 50’s she had a full head of grey hair and all kinds of health problems going on. She learned about this thing called “health” and started protocols like wheatgrass shots and juicing every day. Basically starting a whole new lifestyle. She eventually got rid of all her chronic issues and problems and started traveling around the world educating people how to get healthy.
And guess what, her grey started reversing. At 50 she had a full head of grey hair, at 75 she had a full head of natural, dark hair. So I believe it can be done because this is a true story AND because I’ve seen others do it too.
Is Coffee Causing You to be a Silver Fox?
A while back I began to notice that I was starting to get that “silver fox greyness” going on and decided maybe I need to change some things around. When I looked at the Ann Wigmore story I realised I don’t really want to be grey! It doesn’t bug me a lot but if I can avoid being grey AND be more health, then I want that!!
I will openly admit that I used to be a coffee fiend. Having said that, I used to have 1 cup of organic coffee in the morning so it wasn’t a big deal BUT, I believe that coffee does create acidity within the body. I also believe that when we have coffee and things like that then we crave other foods that are also acidic.
So I started having wheatgrass shots every morning instead of coffee and drinking green juices and citrus juices every day as well. A great way to modify your diet without feeling like you are missing out is to focus on adding things in, rather than focusing on what you want to cut out. It just took a little switch to be like “hey let’s go get a wheatgrass shot or green juice” in the morning rather than going out for a coffee.
If wheatgrass shots aren’t not readily available, I made an amazing product called, Tolman Health Greens, which is a great alternative. It’s a superfood blend of organic alfalfa, barely grass and wheatgrass powder. It’s a really convenient way to alkalise your body and at the same time remove heavy metal and other toxins.
With just this simple change alone I noticed some of the grey hair started to vanish! Based on my experience I think the focus should always be on living an alkaline lifestyle. To see if you’re alkaline you can simply buy a pH strip test and pee on it. If your urine is alkaline you should get a reading between 7 and 7.5 or even a little higher. I believe if you can maintain your body in an alkaline state over a long period of time, you’re going to be able to do things like reverse grey hair as well as other symptoms that com from your body being acidic.
Alkalising Your Body to Reverse Greying Hair
A great way to alkalise your body is to add a little bicarbonate soda to your water. I put 1-2 teaspoons in a litre of water and drink it down. A couple of pinches of natural salts in water is great too. Natural salt contains around 84 minerals that our body requires to be healthy.
Here’s a cool story for you about salt and Walt Disney. The fairytale of Snow White and Seven Dwarfs is really about salts! Snow White was the actual salt and the seven dwarfs were mining the salt. One was sneezy, one was sleepy, one was this, one was that. It was saying that there were different cell salts that would actually help you heal the sneezy, the sleepy, the grumpy and all these types of things.
Really interesting messages from Disney, so definitely add some salt to your water sometimes because it has so many benefits.
So we CAN reverse that grey effect. Basically it comes down to keeping to an alkaline diet, hydrating yourself and maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle.
Thanks for reading!