How To Build Muscles Naturally

How To Build Muscles Naturally
A lot of people want to know how to build muscle fast and naturally, without having to consume meat and protein powders.
It’s definitely a mainstream idea that to build muscle you need to have a high protein diet to really get results.
But now there are a lot of vegan bodybuilders doing it without using concentrated types of supplements or animal products.
Protein Assimilation 101: How The Body Digests Protein And Builds Muscle
To begin with, we really need to talk about where protein comes from and how the body builds muscle.
Your body requires a certain amount of amino acids that are literally like building blocks. The body puts these building blocks together in very specific ways with enzymes to build lean muscle mass and to repair and regenerate any old tissue.
If I go and kill an animal and eat its dead body, it has all the protein in there. However these proteins are already fully built to work for that animal, not for my body. So a massive amount of energy has to go into breaking up these proteins to get them back to the building block stage where I can use them.
This is why eating meat is so taxing on the body.
Eating a steak, for example, takes lots of energy to break down into the essential amino acids. Plus, when eating meat, there is no fibre, no electrical life force and it is low in vitamins as well. So your body is going to all that effort just for protein.
So much energy goes into digesting it for such a small nutritional return, and unless you’re packing in a lot of fibre with it, eventually you are going to have major digestive issues and chronic fatigue.
Plant Based Protein Is The Most Bioavailable
Nearly all plant based foods contain all the amino acid building blocks ready for you to use straight away, because whole foods come with the necessary enzymes needed to break these proteins down.
I would go as far to say (and this might be hugely controversial) but I think EVERY plant food on the planet contains all of the essential amino acids – an orange, a banana and apple, any type of vegetable, any type of nut, seed, grain that exists. It’s just that sometimes they will be small amounts, but they’re there.
Then if you are eating a diet super high in these fresh foods, all those small amounts add up. A chimpanzee doesn’t eat just one banana! They eat a whole bunch! And they are strong and energetic. As long as you satiate your caloric hunger, you will get more than enough protein.
Dr. T Colin Campbell and Cornell University have confirmed this.

The Vegan Body Builder's Secret Weapon
One of my favourite ways to get a great intake of plant based amino acids is through nut milks and nut yoghurts. When you soak your nuts and seeds it makes the protein much more bio-available. Almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts, pecans or flax seeds are all great. Basically any nut that has a brown coating.
You can make these into nut milks simply by soaking 1 cup of nuts overnight, blending them with 4 cups of water. If you have a really good blender, this makes a beautiful nut milk which is free flowing with amino acids, literally ready to be used by the body straight away!
I make an amazing shake with nut milk, Greens and some fruit that I call Gorilla Milk.
To make nut yogurt, you use the nut pulp leftover after you’ve made your nut milk and put it in a bowl with a plant-based probiotic powder. You can also use a tablespoon of your last batch of nut yoghurt or even a good quality commercially made one. Then just cover it with a cloth and let it sit on the kitchen bench for four or five hours and you’re done!
What happens here is these little bacteria probiotics come in and literally consume the proteins that are in the nut pulp. They break these down into their essential amino acids for an even better hit.
Protein Alone Doesn’t Build Muscle
What really builds the muscles is exerting the muscles in lifting weights and pushing against your own body weight.
When your body has been satiated with the free form amino acids, all you have to do is go out and push, lift weights, or work with a personal trainer and I promise you, you will have all of the protein and all the amino acids you need to put on just as much muscle as a meat-eater.
If you start to look at the vegan body builders out there, they look just as good as these other guys (better in my opinion). And when you talk to them or look at their lifestyle, they have a lot more energy. You can look in their eyes and see that they have a higher level of health.
The eyes are the gateway to what is happening internally. When you look at someone that has nice white looking eyes that means the lymphatic fluids are moving and everything in the body is balanced and healthy.
FACT: Cultures that eat the most meat and the most protein are the sickest, they have the highest rates of cancer and the highest rates of all these other diseases and different things that we are wanting to avoid.
Just look at the countries with the highest rates and lowest rates of cancer, then find a different place that shows stats of Meat Consumption Per Person Per Capita… You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to put 2 and 2 together.
Plant-based proteins are the way to go if you want to build muscle fast and stay healthy and bursting with energy.

How Much Muscle Can You Gain Naturally?
The amount of muscle that can be gained naturally varies widely based on individual factors such as gender, genetics, age and training experience. According to various sources, the general consensus is that most men can naturally gain around 40 to 50 pounds (18 to 22.5 kilograms) of muscle in their lifetimes, while most women can naturally gain around 20 to 25 pounds (9 to 11 kilograms).
Furthermore, for the vast majority of people, the realistic expectation is to gain approximately 10 to 15 pounds (4.5 to 7 kilograms) of lean body mass (muscle) over the course of their fitness journey.
It’s important to note that these are only rough estimates and individual results may vary. Factors such as diet, exercise and overall lifestyle play a significant role in determining one’s muscle gain potential.
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