Hormones | Natural Remedies for Menopause

Hormones | Natural Remedies for Menopause
Menopause. The first part of that word is actually what’s causing it.
That’s right.
I’m just kidding.
I want to talk about the symptoms of menopause today. The symptoms, what’s causing it and what you can do to mitigate those symptoms and move forward with your life.
Because the truth is, if you’re living a really healthy lifestyle, menopause should be an easy transition without symptoms or issues.
What are the Symptoms of Menopause
The most common symptoms of menopause are hot flushes and a major loss of sex drive. There’s just no libido there anymore. You may also have vaginal dryness.
These symptoms can be majorly exacerbated, or you might just lightly experience these things.
What’s actually causing these symptoms is typically hormone imbalances.
We have this thing called an endocrine system that uses hormones to control and coordinate various bodily functions. The thyroid, pituitary glands, adrenal glands, reproductive glands, and the ovaries are all part of that system.
What Causes Hormones to be out of Whack?
Hormone imbalances are caused by a poor lifestyle – not exercising, unhealthy diet and specifically things like pesticides, herbicides, high fats and plasticizers.
We ingest plasticizers when we’re drinking out of plastic bottles and using plastic in different ways. All these things are called hormone disrupters. Pesticides, herbicides, plasticizers and even eating hormones when we consume animal products, can throw our hormones out of balance.
How can you Minimise the Symptoms of Menopause?
1. Stop consuming pesticides and herbicides
The first thing you need to do is avoid pesticides and herbicides by buying more organic foods, or at least washing fruits and vegetables properly.
Also know that if you are eating conventional meat, the fat inside of that meat has stored pesticides for the entire life of that animal.
Buying more organic meats, organic fresh fruits and vegetables is a great way to go and as much as possible avoiding plastics.
2. Eat more roots
In Australia, there’s a term “have a root” that basically means to have sex!
With menopause, there’s a loss of libido, so believe it or not, roots will actually correct the hormonal systems of the body and boost libido.
One of these roots is called maca. You can buy organic maca powder, put a little bit into a smoothie and have that every day. That boosts libido and corrects the hormones.
Maca, ginseng, beetroot and believe it or not, carrots and ginger are all beneficial for our hormones.
3. Get more sun
Another major component is sunshine.
Not a pill, not a capsule but actual sunshine is the main factor that develops a hormone called vitamin D that balances the entire system.
So getting in the sun is a great way to normalise your hormone levels.
4. Five Tibetan Rites
These Five Tibetan Rights or movements only take about 10 to 15 minutes to do. You can do them every morning and it opens the pineal gland and the pituitary gland and detoxes them.
It opens the thymus gland which is important for our immune system. It balances the adrenal glands, so you’ll have more energy, but it also opens up and corrects the reproductive system of both men and women.
If you really want to go deep on all this detailed information, I teach it in a live virtual program I run called, H•E•A•L, which really takes your wisdom and knowledge to the next level. I also have a lot of information and videos, including the 5 Tibetan Rites, in my Free Resources section available on my website here.
Thanks for reading!