Fasting | Will it Ruin Your Metabolism?

Fasting | Will it Ruin Your Metabolism?
A lot of people believe that if they skip a meal, do a little fast or especially a long fast, it’s going to ruin their metabolism.
The facts are that it’s the absolute opposite.
Every scientific study that’s ever been done on extended fasting, specifically one from the University of Chicago Whole Biological Laboratories, proves that our base metabolism increases massively with extended fasting.
Firstly, we need to know what metabolism actually is. What is happening? Inside every single cell we have a nucleus that contains all our genetic information. Then we have mitochondria, like little workers outside the nucleus that control our metabolism and produce energy and replication of the cells.
The reason our metabolism decreases is because of accumulation of toxicity inside the cells. We accumulate what is called ‘cellular respiration’ or acids from the cells that are constantly producing energy and making acid.
Typically you won’t have a lowered base metabolism until you’re about 35 years or older, but it’s been proven scientifically that we can reset our metabolism at any age by ridding the cells of this toxic metabolic waste.
And the way you do that is through fasting.
A really cool thing is something that’s been kind of a fad lately – intermittent fasting. This is where you skip a meal – usually in the morning. Then you have your last meal at night, around six or seven o’clock, and you don’t eat again until say noon the next day. This actually has a massive impact on increasing metabolism and increasing our ability to digest our food, so I highly recommend looking into it.
Intermittent fasting increases metabolism and our ability to utilise and recycle protein, and it also increases insulin sensitivity. That’s the main factor implicated in longevity.
If you have insulin resistance, typically from eating too much too often and the wrong foods, it leads to diabetes and a shorter life span. Fasting increases insulin sensitivity, it increases our ability to digest our foods and use proteins, and it actually increases our metabolism.
So don’t listen to the hype if you want to increase your metabolism! In fact, the best thing you can do is an extended fast on juices or water, because by doing this you’re allowing all the cells to detox and reset themselves so you can get back to a state of health.
Remember, when you break the fast, to make sure you take on a healthier lifestyle and take it slow. When you fast, everything kind of shuts down when it comes to digestion, so it needs to be a slow process of reintroducing foods and your metabolism will be higher.
You definitely don’t want to go from juice fasting to eating McDonalds. That will create problems!
I also highly recommend you join my free Facebook Community. We have thousands of members there who can help support you in the process of doing a short fast or trying intermittent fasting. There is also lots of information about the 7 Principles of Health that will help you to move into a healthier lifestyle. And if you are interested in doing an extended fast, I have a team of Health Coaches that can support you with that.
So check out my Free Community. It’s the perfect way to get the support and the education you need to do some fasting, heal your metabolism and live a healthy lifestyle.
Thanks for reading!